Phone: 330-680-8130
-Monday 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
-Tuesday 9:00 am – 12:00
-Wednesday 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
215 E. Market St.
Alliance, OH 44601
PO Box 2581
Alliance, OH 44601
The Board
- President Jim Perone
- Past President Bruce Helsel
- Vice President and Head of Operations Mike Patterson
- Treasurer Jim Greiner
- Secretary Chris Schade
- Members: Betsy Brown, Kim Cully, Pat Gates, Bruce Helsel, Jan Horning, Andy Magna, Cindy Magda, Missy Miller, Tim Morrison, Rudy Roggencamp, Beth Simbro, Marge Simmons, Cathy Torma and John Whitehair

Pantry Board 2025

President Jim Perone

Treasurer Jim Greiner

Secretary Chris Schade

Pantry Manager and Monday Team Leader Debbie Skubiak

Tuesday Team Leader Jim Greiner

Wednesday Team Leader Joan Gecina

Head of Facilities Glenn Rupp
The Pantry Operations are run by a large group of volunteers under the direction of the Pantry Manager.
The Pantry Manager is responsible for everything that happens at the pantry related to the process of getting food to clients.
The Pantry Board is grateful to Debbie Skubiak for stepping up to the important role of Pantry Manager.
Key positions under the pantry manager are:
Daily Team Leaders – these individuals are responsible for overseeing the pantry during one of the four days the pantry is open each week.
Head of Facilities – fixes things, keeps truck running, keeps pantry utilities up and working, makes sure freezers are working etc.
The warehouse supervisor is responsible for moving the food as it arrives from the Food Bank into the warehouse and then onto the shelves. Considering that around 280,000 items a year are given out this is a challenging, never-ending job!
Transportation Supervisor This requires scheduling a truck and rider 1 to 2 times a week.
The Volunteer Coordinator, is responsible for recruiting and scheduling the many volunteers needed to run our pantry. She can be contacted through the pantry phone number 330-680-8130.
Data entry supervisor – The data entry supervisor is responsible for the two screeners that work each shift to register the clients using the custom software package called “Pantry Trak” and also works with those who enter the data from the previous day into the Client software program.
Food Ordering Supervisor – This person has the job of watching the menu from the Akron-Canton Regional Food Bank and deciding what to order. Keeping food on hand for around 100 clients a day is no small task.
The Office Manager supervises the office and provides help for a wide variety of pantry operations.
Currently, the pantry is operating as a pickup site.
The Alliance Community Pantry has its own 4000 sq. ft. building which serves the following functions:
- Screening clients: Clients show their ID’s at the door. Screeners enter the information into a Food Bank software program called “Fresh Trak”. After receiving a “ticket”, clients drive their cars to our front sidewalk. Some use personal carts or other vehicles to transport their food home.
- Food distribution area: This the area where the available food items are packed into shopping carts for clients and distributed from the main door. Clients present their “ticket” and receive food items to place into their own vehicles.
- Warehouse: Our warehouse area is a busy, crowded area. Food is sorted, repackaged as needed, and then sent to the serving area.
- Refrigeration room: We have a large refrigeration room that is needed to safely store the many food items which require temperature control.
Our Pantry Truck: The Akron Canton Regional Food Bank supplies the majority of the food we distribute. The pantry has its own truck which is driven twice a week to the newly opened Food Warehouse in Canton. Each trip the volunteers return with around 10,000 to 13,000 pounds. Our truck is shown in this picture waiting to be loaded at the Food Bank.
Unloading the truck: A crew is required twice a week to unload the truck with our forklift and move it into the warehouse.
Our large facility is key to being able to serve our clients. With over 14,000 visits in 2024, our facility gets lots of wear and tear. We’re fortunate to have many groups who visit the pantry throughout the year to clean and improve our facility.
Whether you’re curious
about volunteering, donating,
or if you need help, we’re here
to answer any questions.
-Monday 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
-Tuesday 9:00 am – 12:00
-Wednesday 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Phone: 330-680-8130
Partner Agency of
Akron Canton Regional Food Bank